Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Walking Dead Walkthrough

The Walking Dead Walkthrough (May contain spoilers)

'The Walking Dead' is a game that can be played on several consoles. The story line of the game determines how you play and the choices you make. You play as a character called Lee Everret, a dark coloured man who is on his way to jail for killing a state senator for having an affair with his wife. However during his trip to jail there happens to be a car accident and the car that Lee is in crashes and drives off the road into a forest.


Lee Everret

Episode 1 - A New Day - Getting out of the car

As soon as Lee wakes up in the car you need to find a way to get out of the car, of course that will be a bit of a challenge as you are handcuffed and have an injured leg from the car crash. As soon as you get out you will have to investigate the police officer's corpse for the keys to uncuff yourself. As soon as you do that the police officer will come back to life as a lifeless zombie. At this point you must back away as quick as you can and use the shotgun near the car to kill the zombie. During the fight your screen will go red, this is the sign of adrenaline pumping through your character. After the fight you will see a strange figure on the horizon which you must call out to in order to carry on with the game. As soon as you call out the strange figure will run away and you will sense danger near you. At this point, walkers (zombies) will begin to surround you and attempt to kill you. Your character will automatically walk his way through the forest (Walkers cant run so there is no need for you to run too) to a fence which he will climb over and land in the backyard of a house in a neighbourhood. 

Episode 1 - A New Day - Meeting Clementine

Once you can start playing after the long cutscene, you must walk into the house to attempt to look for help. Unfortunately you find no help however the phone in the house rings and you hear three new messages from Clementine's parents. The first one is telling Clementine's baby sitter that they will stay in Savenah for an extra day because one of their family members was injured by a mad man, so they had to take him to hospital which delayed time. The second message is when things start to get a bit scary, Clementine's parents are stuck in the hospital as the staff members are not allowing them to leave due to the zombie apocalypse. The final message is a goodbye message to Clementine, telling her to call the police and said that they love her very much. After hearing the three messages, you will hear a radio ring nearby, pick it up and you will hear Clementine speaking and saying that she is in her tree house. After a short conversion, she will gasp and you will look behind you to see the zombified baby sitter and you will be engaged in combat. During combat you will have to constantly press several keys, buttons (depending on what console you're playing on) and eventually back up against the slide door which where you entered the house in. Clementine will give you a hammer which you must take and smash the zombie a couple of times with the hammer one after another fairly quickly, if you take too long to kill the zombie, the zombie will manage to get a grip on you and kill you. If you do get killed, you will be brought back to last checkpoint to redo the scenario. After the fight, you and Clementine will have a quick conversasion and you can make the choice to look for help now (day time) or later (night time).


Episode 1 - A New Day - Hershel's Farm

Whichever choice you pick, you will come across two people, one of them is the son of Hershel, and the other is a friend (if you look for help at day time), or a police officer (if you look for help at night).  They will ask for help to clear the road for their vehicle to get to safety. A small horde of zombies will show up and you must clear the road for their vehicle to pass. Once again if you fail the scenario, you will be brought back to your last checkpoint. Once you have escaped, you will be dropped off to a farm and you will meet a man called Hershel. Hershel will ask for some of your details such as where are you from and what your name is. You can either lie or tell the truth to him (Remember all these choices will affect the future story). He will also talk to Clementine for a bit and ask her who she is and a bit of her story. After the entire conversation, Hershel will allow you to sleep in his barn for the night. Just before you are about to sleep, You and Clementine will smell something smelly. She will ask you what the smell is and you can either say "s***" or "poo". Don't forget Clementine is only eight years old so try and keep it sensible. Or very unsuitable depending on how you want to play the game. The next morning a man will introduce himself to you. His name is Kenny, who has a wife named Katjaa and a son named Duck. He mentions that he named is son 'Duck' because he talks non-stop and 'quacks' too much. Katjaa will then ask if you would like her to take care of Clementine while you get used to the farm. You may be able to make the choice. Whichever one it is whether Clementine stays with Katjaa or not, you must meet Shaun (son of Hershel) to continue with the game. He asks you to cut some planks to keep the farm fence strong to stop the animals from escaping, or maybe to keep the dead out as well. He will then talk to you about what has happened to the world and about the zombie apocalypse. After the quick dialogue you must speak to Hershel, who can be found in the barn you slept in. He says that he knows who you are. He knows you committed murder and was sent to prison. From yesterday if you remember, he asked you questions about who you were and where you were from. If you were honest with him yesterday, he would appreciate your honesty. If you lied to him, then   he would tell you to be honest next time in a rather mean way.






 Episode 1 - A New Day - Zombie Attack

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