Thursday 25 October 2012

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is an online game made by 'RiotGamesInc'. It is played on a computer and can be played on both laptop and desktop. LoL is a 3rd person view game with a free controlled camera to travel around the map at your command. LoL is game where you select a champion out of the several champions in the game and fight against other players or bots who play as other champions. There are 70+ champions you could select from, however you will need to unlock them in order to play them. However there are always some free-to-play champions that you could pick without unlocking. Then every Tuesday, RiotGames will switch the free-to-play champions to a different lot to let you try new champions. So if you had grew a liking for a champion that is free-to-play, then you had better save up enough influence points (A currency to unlock champion with) to buy that champion. IP can be gained by playing almost any game in League of Legends, as long as the numbers are even, you will get some IP whether you win or lose games, of course you will get more IP if you win games. 

A League of Legends team fight, (Those large model characters with names and large health bars are players playing as champions).

Champion Costings

There are several costings for different champions. The cheapest costing is 475 influence points (IP), followed by 1350ip, 3150 ip, 4800 ip, then the most expensive champions go up to 6300ip. Champions that cost 6300ip are normally recently released champions. There have been occasions where 6300ip champions have been reduced to 4800ip however.

Champion Costings (Riot Points) (RP)

A second type of LoL currency is called Riot Points. Riot Points can only be gained by paying a small amount of in real life (IRL) money by credit card, paypal etc. There are six different packages of Riot Points you can pay. The first one is about $5 for about 630RP, the second one is more expensive of course but it has a slight discount. The best deal is about $100 for about 15000RP. Riot Points can be used to buy champions just like IP or to buy exclusive skins for champions which can only be bought with RP. Skins make your champion more attractive and can customise some of your abilities and dialogue. However, skins do not give you any bonuses in combat. 

Classic Ezreal (One of the champions in LoL) 6300IP or 975RP

PulseFire Ezreal (A more attractive version of Ezreal) 3250RP

Garen 1350IP or 585RP

Dreadknight Garen 975RP

Classic Teemo 1350IP or 585RP

Astronaut Teemo 1820 RP

LoL Maps

The Most common map in LoL is 'Summoner's Rift'. Summoner's Rift is a map that supports up to five players per team and two teams at a time.

Some things to note in the map:
-The green circles are the locations of your allies.
-The red circles are the locations of your enemies.
-The yellow skulls are neutral creatures which you can kill for bonus gold or power ups.
- The purple heads with horns are purple team turrets. The blue heads with horns are blue team turrets.
-The small purple circle icons are purple team inhibitors and vice versa.
-The purple hexagon is the purple team nexus and vice versa.
-The white rectangle is your view in the game.
-The white line is the pathway your champion is taking to get to its location.

More things to note:
-A turret deals massive damage during early game. A turret attacks at about one time per second and can kill you in 3-5 hits during early game. However in late game, if you're playing as a tank such as Shen. You can take easily 25 turret hits before it starts to destroy you, considering you have good equipment and you use your abilities.
-If you destroy an inhibitor, your team will start spawning super minions. Super minions are regular minions on steroids and should not be underestimated as there have been many occasions where super minions have killed champions by themselves before.
-The nexus is the most important structure in the game. If your nexus is destroyed, you lose the game. If the enemy team's nexus gets destroyed, then they lose the game.
-There are three lanes in the game. 'Top lane', 'mid lane' and 'bot lane'. In other words for top, middle and bottom.
-In order to reach the nexus, you must destroy the 3 turrets and 1 inhibitor in a lane, and the two nexus turrets guarding the nexus. You must have a fully cleared lane in order to win the game.


ADC: Attack Damage Carry, this player should get all the kills as this is the player leading his/her team
into team fights. This player normally uses basic attacks.

APC: Ability Power Carry, this player is the exact same as an ADC, however uses abilities rather than basic attacks.

Tank: This player should take the most damage and tank all the hits the enemy can throw at them. This player should initiate the team fight.

Jungler: Doesn't go any lane, but instead fights in the jungle. The jungler kills the neutral monsters (indicated with the yellow skull) to gain levels and ganks (team up on one person or three at max, any more than that would be considered a team fight) for his teammates. The jungler ganks for all lanes.

Support: Doesn't kill any minions, but instead, help out the person they're laning with to conquer the lane.

Team distribution:

No Jungler or Support
-2 top
-1 mid
-2 bot

Jungler or Support

-1 top
-1 mid
-2 bot
-1 jungler


-2 top
-1 mid
-2 bot (one of them a support)

Jungler and Support

-1 top
-1 mid
-2 bot (one of them a support)
-1 jungler

What kinds of champions to get:

A good team would consist of a mix of champions such as:

-1 tank
-1 ADC or APC
-1 support
-1 jungler
-1 opposite of the Carry. If there's an ADC, this player should be an AP, if there's an APC, this player should be an AD.


It is always good to have a mixture of items, instead of one item focusing on one stat. There are six stats for each champions and they are;

-Attack Damage
-Ability Power
-Attack Speed
-Movement Speed
-Magic Resist

Attack Damage and Attack Speed would fit best with an ADC.
Ability Power would fit best with an APC.
Armour and Magic Resist would fit best with a tank.
Movement Speed should fit with everyone champion.

Here's a basic build for an AD, AP and tank.

AD (Also get the items in this order)

 Berserker Greaves

 Infinity Edge

Blood Thirster

Phantom Dancer
Blood Thirster

Phantom Dancer

Why is this good?

The Berserker Greaves give you average movement with a nice bonus of attack speed. They are a natural pair of boots for an ADC. The Infinity Edge gives 80+ Attack Damage which is a lot, with a scary 25% extra critical strike chance. The Infinity Edge's has a unique passive which makes your critical strikes deal 250% more damage, rather than 200%. Blood Thirsters gives off a good amount of attack damage, 60 attack damage and 12% extra lifesteal per Blood Thirster. The Blood Thirster has a unique passive which the item gains an extra 1 attack damage and 0.20% extra lifesteal per kill you make, whether its a minion or a champion. At full stacks, the Blood Thirster gives off 100 attack damage and 20% extra lifesteal. Half of your current stacks are lost on death however. Finally, the two phantom dancers give off 55% extra attack speed, 30% extra critical strike chance and 12% extra movement speed each. In total these items give you;

Total Stats

-Enhanced movement speed 2

-280+ attack damage (if both Blood Thirsters are at full stacks, if not then 200+ attack damage)
-40%+ life steal (if both Blood Thirsters are at full stacks, if not then 24%+ lifesteal)
-110%+ attack speed 
-24%+ movement speed
-85%+ critical strike chance
-250% extra damage when critically striking

AP (Also get the items in this order)

Sorcerer's Shoes

Rod of Ages

                                                                 Rabadon's DeathCap 
                                                                  Void Staff

                                                                 Abbysal Sceptre   

 Zhonya's Hourglass

Why is this good?

The Sorcerer's Shoes give average movement speed with 20+ magic penetration. Magic penetration is good for spells as it ignores some of your opponents magic resistance. These boots are natural for AP characters. Rod of Ages gives 450+ health, 525+ mana and 60+ abillity power. It has a passive which the rod gives an extra 18 health, 20 mana, and 2 ability power every minute for 10 minutes. Thus making the rod give a total of 630+ health, 725+ mana and 80+ ability power. The rod also has a unique passive which when you level up your character, the rod restores 250 health and 200 mana over the course of 8 seconds. The Rabadon's DeathCap is a devastating item specifically made for AP characters. The deathcap gives 140+ AP and has a unique passive that increases your current AP by 30% after the 140+ AP is added to your current AP. The void staff is an item that gives 70+ AP and has a unique passive of 40% magic penetration. Eg, your opponent has 100 magic resist, you ignore 40% of that which means you only have to deal with 60 magic resist with your spells. The Abbysal Sceptre gives 70+ AP with a nice 57+ magic resist, this makes you more resistant to other AP champions. The scepter has a unique aura that reduces the magic resist of nearby enemy champions by 20. The Zhonya's Hourglass gives one of the most AP any item can give you at 100+ AP and 50+ armour. The defences that the hourglass and the scepter give you makes you a little bit tanky. The hourglass has a unique active that puts your champion into a stasis, making your champion invincible and untargetable for 2 seconds, however your champion cannot take any actions for the duration.

Total Stats

-Enhanced Movement 2
-578+ AP (598+ AP if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)
-20+ magic penetration (40+ magic penetration to nearby champions) and 40%+ magic penetration
-57+ magic resist
-70+ armour
-525+ mana (725+ mana if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)
-450+ health (630+ health if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)

Tank (Also get the items in this order)

Ninja Tabi OR

Mercury Treads

Warmog's Armour

 Force of Nature


 Frozen Heart

Randuin's Omen

Why is this good?

Mercury Treads give 25+ magic resist and 35% tenacity. Tenacity reduces the duration of snares, fears, slows, stuns etc by 35%. Your other option for boots would be ninja tabi.

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