Monday 29 October 2012

What is RuneScape?

RuneScape (May contain Spoilers)

RuneScape is an online multiplayer game made by 'Jagex'. RuneScape is 3rd person view game with a camera that can only revolve around your avatar. There are several skills in RuneScape for you to train and master. The lowest level is 1, and the highest level is 99. (Except for 'Dungeoneering' which masters at level 120). There are two types of players. Non-members and members. Non-members have less features and less skills and pretty much less everything than members. A membership for one person per month is currently $5.95. The RuneScape world is huge and has many so called 'worlds' that you can go on. A world is more or less a server. There are severs for non-members and members. For example if you're on world 1, and you want to meet someone who is on world 2. You will never be able to meet each other even if you're standing on the same square as each other. The only way to see each other is you either move (world hop) to world 2. Or have that person world hop to world 1. 

RuneScape Skills

There are several skills for both non-members and members. The skills for non-members are:

- Attack
- Strength
- Defence
- Constitution
- Mining
- Smithing
- Fishing
- Woodcutting
- Crafting
- Dungeoneering
- Ranged
- Magic
- Fire making
- Cooking
- Rune crafting 
- Prayer

Then we have exclusive skills for members only. These skills are:

- Summoning
- Hunter
- Slayer
- Construction
- Fletching
- Thieving 
- Farming
- Agility 
- Herblore

Apart from having more skills from being a member, is that being one, also makes it easier for you to get skills to level 99. There are several member only objects which can be used to train a non-member skill. As a skill gets higher, the more advanced things you can do.

A brief description of each skill:

Attack: This skill allows you to attack more often while in combat, and can allow you to wield accuracy weapons such as swords and scimitars.

Strength: This skill allows you to cause more damage while in combat, and can allow you to wield strength weapons such as mauls and hammers.

Defence: This skill allows you to block some attacks and strikes from enemies, and can allow you to wield armour such as shields and plate armour.

Constitution: This skill allows you to remain alive longer while in combat. At level 10 you have 100 life points (LP) and at level 99 you have 990 LP.

Mining: This skill allows you to mine ores and minerals, the better the skill, the more advanced ores you can mine, and also wield better pickaxes the better it is.

Smithing: This skill allows you to make weapons and armour from metal bars which you buy or make. The better the skill, the more advanced equipment you make.

Fishing: This skill allows you to fish for fish, which can be used to cook food to eat to restore LP.

Woodcutting: This skill allows you to chop wood from trees which can be used to make a fire which you can cook raw food on.

Crafting: This skill allows you to craft raw skins into armour. Such as you can craft cow hide into leather armour.

Dungeoneering: A skill that combines all the other skills together. You can gather a party of up to 5 and enter a dungeon full of puzzles that are based on the 25 skills in RuneScape, or 16 skills if you're a non-member.

Ranged: This skill allows you to attack from a range with the traditional bow and arrow. You have limited arrows and must supply more yourself if you run out.

Magic: This skill allows your to use spells from runes that you can craft from. There are combat spells, utility spells and defensive spells.

Fire Making: This skill allows you to make a fire from wood that you can chop from a tree or buy from shops.

Cooking: This skill allows you to cook food to restore LP while in combat.

Runecrafting: This skill allows you to craft runes that mages use to cast spells.

Prayer: This skill allows you to use prayers to improve combat performance and other purposes.

Summoning: This skill allows you to summon creatures that can aid you in combat, or utility needs.

Hunter: This skill allows you to hunt animals and wild creatures that you may find in the jungle.

Slayer: This skill allows you to kill creatures that require special equipment to fight.

Construction: This skill allows you to build a house and build structures.

Fletching: This skill allows you to craft bows and arrows which is required for the 'ranged' skill.

Thieving: This skill allows you to steal items from stalls and pickpocket rich non-player characters (NPCs).

Farming: This skill allows you to farm crops and food.

Agility: This skill allows you to endure longer while running.

Herblore: This skill allows you to make potions from a herb and a secondary ingredient.

Rules of RuneScape

With all games, there are rules which must be followed, otherwise it could lead to a ban or a mute.

- Respect all players, no racist comments or jokes should be seen in the game.

- No Scamming, means players should be able to trust each other completely

- No website advertising, such as '' or anything similar.

- No abusing glitches. If you have found a glitch, you should report it immediately.

- No real world trading. Which is more or less giving money in RuneScape for something in real life like real life money.

- No account sharing. Only you should have access to your account. Don't even tell your best friend!

-No asking for personal details about other players.

- No encouraging rule breaking. You must not force or encourage another person to break any of the RuneScape rules.

- Lasty, have fun! If you're not having fun, you're not obeying the RuneScape rules!

The Starting:

For a start, you will want to get some basic supplies to start your RuneScape korea. The items you should get will depend on the skill you want to train. Here a brief guide of the items you will want to get;

Attack/Strength/Defence/Constitution: Some weapons such as daggers or swords.

Mining: Pickaxes.

Smithing: Hammers and metal bars.

Fishing: Fishing rods and bait.

Cooking: Raw food, such as raw fish or raw meat.

Prayer: Bones.

RuneCrafting: Rune Essence.

Ranged: Bows and arrows.

Fire Making: Tree logs and tinderboxes.

Woodcutting: Axes.

Magic: Runes.

Crafting: Wool and flax.

Dungeoneering: Good skills.

Member skills:

Summoning: Charms, pouches and spirit shards.

Hunter: Traps.

Construction: Basic tools and building components such as wooden planks.

Thieving: Light Gear. (Don't wear anything that gives you too much weight).

Agility: Light Gear. (Don't wear anything that gives you too much weight).

Slayer: Special Equipment like salt bags, leaf bladed swords.

Herblore: Herbs and various secondary ingreidents.

Fletching: Knife and tree logs.

Farming: Seeds and compost should do.

Roles in RuneScape

There are many roles in RuneScape that people choose to focus on. Here is a list of some of the roles;

Skiller: Focuses on skills only, does not train combat at all.

Tank: Gets 99 defence and nothing else.

Range Tank: Gets 99 defence, range and nothing else.

Mage Tank: Gets 99 defence, magic and nothing else.

Berserker: Focuses on 99 strength and nothing else.

Balanced Warrior: Focuses on all combat skills equally.

Balanced Overall: Focuses on all skills.

Maxed: What everyone wants to be; maxed in every skill.

Capes of Accomplishment/Distinction

For putting so much effort into RuneScape, there are several capes in store for you. There are skill capes which are awarded to you when you get level 99 in a skill. The Quest Cape which is awarded when every single quest is completed. (You won't be able to wield the cape once a new quest has come out but can still possess it). The Max Cape, awarded to those who have got 99 in every single skill. (Don't have to be level 120 in Dungeoneering). The untrimmed completionist cape, awarded to those who have mastered every single skill. (Includes level 120 in Dungeoneering) and have done at least 1/2 or more of the possible task in RuneScape. The trimmed completionist cape, awarded to those who have every single cape i just mentioned and have pretty much done EVERYTHING you can do in the world of RuneScape. One of the requirements for the trimmed completionist cape is to play 5000 games of Castle Wars. Each game goes for 20 minutes which comes out to be about 1668 hours of playing Castle Wars.

My opinion on these capes

The skill capes are the easiest ones to get. I myself have almost every single one of those skill capes and have nearly got the max cape. The quest cape is also relatively easy as it is fun to do the several quests that is in store for you. The max cape is not easy, but you don't have to spend too much time to get it. The untrimmed completionist cape is a bit of a time consumer. You must really be dedicated into RuneScape (which im not) to get the untrimmed cape. The trimmed completionist cape is only for those who have nothing more to do than to play RuneScape. The 5000 Castle Wars game requirement is just too much for almost anyone to handle. If you like to hang out with friends and go outside, DO NOT get the trimmed completionist cape. Don't even get the untrimmed one if you go out really often.

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