Tuesday 13 November 2012

Devastating news for RuneScape

A few months back, Jagex (makers of RuneScape) decided that they were going to change the combat system entirely, with the addition of dual-wielding, ability bars etc. In my opinion, RuneScape had a very unique combat system that no other game had. Now that they are adding all of this, it is starting to become more similiar to World of Warcraft (WoW) or even League of Legends (LoL).

Jagex will be adding this new combat system on 20th Novemeber 2012. There have been several people from the world suggesting good ideas such as making two different types of servers, one with the current combat system, and one with the new combat system. This would allow people who like either the current combat system or the new system to still be able to play RuneScape in their preferred combat system. The choice still belongs to Jagex however.

Here is a screenshot of the current RuneScape we have.

Here is a screenshot of what the new combat system looks like. (I will upload a better image when the update arrives.)

Postivies to the new system are:

- There is new gameplay for people to try out.
- Some people may have gotten tired of the old combat system and want to try something new.
- Those who have the completionist cape will have something new to do.
- Some people will prefer the difference that armour affects you.

Negatives to the new system are:

- It angers people who are loving the current combat system.
- The new system will confuse a lot of people because we are so used to the current system.
- It takes a lot longer to kill something. May it be a boss monster or any attackable creature.
- Some people will dislike the changes that the new armour has an affect on you.

What I will do when the new combat system arrives:

I will work on my skills to get the max cape. It will take me a while and hopfully people will start making mega complaints about the system and Jagex will get rid of it before I get my max cape. If it doesn't happen (which will probably be next year when I get my cape) then I guess I will have to adjust to the new combat system or find a new game to play.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

All I want for Christmas is...

This year's hottest gaming Christmas items are
  •  Halo 4,
  • Assasin's Creed III,
  • Skylanders Giants 
  • Call of Duty Black Ops II
  • Wii U
I only want one game, that is Halo 4. Reason is because I love the Halo storyline and the game play of it. Im most looking foward to the new features of the game. I hope there are new weapons, characters, features and an excellent story line.

What does everyone else want???

What is Skype?


What is Skype?

Skype is a software that enables you to talk to peolple through a mic. It is a free downloadable software and is easy to use. Most people use it for gaming purposes, as it is very easy to communicate to others without typing too much.

Advantages of Skype:
- It is quick and easy.
- Easy to communicate with friends and people.
- Free
- You can tell if people are being sarcastic or not by their tone.

Disadvantages of Skype:
- There is a risk of cyber bullying.
- There is a small risk that you may get hacked. (One of my friends got hacked via skype during a game. He lost all of his items and valuables (Only skype people who you know))!
- While gaming and skyping at the same time, there may be lag while you play your game.

I myself use skype for Minecraft and League of Legends. I use it because it is efficient to communicate with people as I said above.

The only reason as to why I can think people get hacked via skype is because of screen sharing. When you skype some, you have the option to screen share, which means you share your screen with the person your talking to. They can see everything on your screen that you can see. So only share screens with people who you can completely trust with!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Slender Man Game

What is Slender? (May contain Spoilers)

Slender is a horror genre game that is based on the myth 'Slender Man'. Slender Man is known to capture young children and to bring them to another dimension, that is only from one perspective however. Slender is imposingly a very tall man (about 3 meters in height) with very long arms and tentacles on his back which he can extend and retract. He uses these limbs to ensnare his prey and capture victims.

The original Slender takes place in a forest with several pathways and locations. Your goal is to collect eight pages from ten locations. Eight locations will have pages while two won't. The page locations are at random each time you play the game.

The Ten Locations are:

- A bath maze.
- A spooky tree.
- Cross walls shaped like a '+'.
- Oil tanks.
- A giant red pillar.
- A few wooden pillars.
- A simple tanker.
- A small vehicle near a caravan.
- Some giant rocks.
- A long tunnel.

Here's a picture of the map

It is recommended by several people to create a route to collect all the pages. Rather than running around guessing where to go. As you collect the pages, the game gets harder and the music gets more intense. There are four levels of music. One is gained at page 1, the second at page 3, 5 and 7. 

How to know if Slender is nearby:

If you're screen starts to get static on it. Its a sign that Slender is nearby, if it gradually gains static, then run in the opposite direction Slender is in. Another sign would be a hard beat of sound. If you hear this then it is most likely you're going to lose the game, unless you can run fast enough away from him. The beat of sound normally only occurs when you spot Slender right next to you or behind you.  

Where to start first:

Most people normally start at the toughest locations which is probably the bath maze. That location has several dead ends which Slender could corner you in and your chance of escaping is extremely slim. The next location where people would most likely start, would be the cross walls. That location has several turns when you look for the page there and Slender could be right in front of the next turn you may very well take and make you jump out of your seat. Those who have a route to take when playing this game would normally just go for the closest page and attempt to finish the game as quick as possible. 

 How to keep Slender away:

As you collect more pages, it will be almost impossible to keep Slender away at a good distance from you. However during early game, if you see Slender, try and get a solid object between you and Slender. Some good objects are such as trees and pillars. Here's an example below.

 Key: S=Slender, T=Tree, You=You, ---=Ground


This is a good strategy on how to keep Slender at a good distance from you. Keep backing away keeping the tree between you and Slender. WARNING: Keep checking that Slender is still where he is, as he can disappear and teleport to another location, such as behind you...

Here's what you want


This is what you do NOT want


The obvious Tip:

The most obvious tip to survive in Slender is DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU! Around 6-7 pages, Slender is pretty much always going to be behind you. So feel free to use your sprint to burst to the last few locations. 

Game Modes:

DayTime Mode: Pretty much the same game as regular Slender, except during day time. It is much less scary but will still make you jump out of your chair. There is no need for a flash light.

$20 Mode: Whenever you see Slender, instead of a bunch of piano keys being banged, the song 'Gimme 20 Dollars' by Ron Browz will begin to play, rather than the regular Slender music. Slender just wants his $20. 

Marble Honet Mode: You're visibility is decreased, static borders are added to the screen and you will have to deal with new page locations. Pretty much a harder version of Slender. 

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Gaming Review of most of the games I posted

Gaming Review

I like the game RuneScape because there is a lot of gameplay involved and the graphics are not bad. You can change the graphics level any time you wish to suit your needs. The trading system is pretty good and the features in the game really interest me.
What I like about the game:
I love the trading system as it makes it really easy and convineint to earn money in RuneScape. The items I feel are at a good price and the features such as clan making is good. I also feel that there are enough skills to enjoy training and the rewarding system for working hard to get skills up pays off.
What I dislike about the game:
I dislike the fact that 'Jagex' is not strict enough when people break rules. I feel that when someone has been caught scamming, they should be banned for a long period of time, as you must have read the rules before you even logged into RuneScape. I also hate the botting problems with the game which causes ruination of the economy and prices of items.
How I rate RuneScape (1-10, 10 being outstanding or extremely perfect)

Overall: 9/10
Graphics: Dependent on settings
Gameplay: 8/10
Storyline of quest: 8.5/10

League of Legends
League of Legends is a good game with decent graphics and fairly good gameplay. You can also change the graphics level anytime you wish and the features in the game are fairly decent.
What I like about League of Legends:
I like League of Legends because there are several champions which I can play as. This means I'll never get bored when playing the same few characters over and over again.
What I dislike about League of Legends:
I dislike that you can only fight in League of Legends. I would be pleased if there were campaign modes for each champion based on their Lore.
How I rate League of Legends (1-10, 10 being outstanding or extremely perfect)

Overall: 8/10
Graphics: Dependent on settings
Gameplay: 7.5/10
Character pricing: 7/10

Minecraft is a decent game with good gameplay and graphics that once again can be changed according to settings. I feel that there are enough items in MineCraft at the moment however I would like more items being added soon.
What I like about Minecraft:
I like MineCraft because the gameplay is good with several items and the fighting system is pretty good. I also think that there are enough items for me to use as well.
What I dislike about Minecraft:
The only thing I dislike about Minecraft is when you play on a difficulty other than peaceful, you may have a slight chance of a creeper blowing up your house. I also dislike that I find a bit too many lava pools when I go mining.

Overall: 8/10
Graphics: Dependent on settings
Gameplay: 9/10
Amount of items in game: 8.5/10

Slender is a horror based game based on the myth 'Slender Man'.

What I like about Slender is that it is a really fun game, although the gameplay is limited. It really scares the soul out of you. This would be a fantastic game to play when in groups of friends. However if you really don't feel comfortable with being scared, then don't play it by all means.

Overall: 7/10
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Scariness: 10/10

Monday 29 October 2012

What is RuneScape?

RuneScape (May contain Spoilers)

RuneScape is an online multiplayer game made by 'Jagex'. RuneScape is 3rd person view game with a camera that can only revolve around your avatar. There are several skills in RuneScape for you to train and master. The lowest level is 1, and the highest level is 99. (Except for 'Dungeoneering' which masters at level 120). There are two types of players. Non-members and members. Non-members have less features and less skills and pretty much less everything than members. A membership for one person per month is currently $5.95. The RuneScape world is huge and has many so called 'worlds' that you can go on. A world is more or less a server. There are severs for non-members and members. For example if you're on world 1, and you want to meet someone who is on world 2. You will never be able to meet each other even if you're standing on the same square as each other. The only way to see each other is you either move (world hop) to world 2. Or have that person world hop to world 1. 

RuneScape Skills

There are several skills for both non-members and members. The skills for non-members are:

- Attack
- Strength
- Defence
- Constitution
- Mining
- Smithing
- Fishing
- Woodcutting
- Crafting
- Dungeoneering
- Ranged
- Magic
- Fire making
- Cooking
- Rune crafting 
- Prayer

Then we have exclusive skills for members only. These skills are:

- Summoning
- Hunter
- Slayer
- Construction
- Fletching
- Thieving 
- Farming
- Agility 
- Herblore

Apart from having more skills from being a member, is that being one, also makes it easier for you to get skills to level 99. There are several member only objects which can be used to train a non-member skill. As a skill gets higher, the more advanced things you can do.

A brief description of each skill:

Attack: This skill allows you to attack more often while in combat, and can allow you to wield accuracy weapons such as swords and scimitars.

Strength: This skill allows you to cause more damage while in combat, and can allow you to wield strength weapons such as mauls and hammers.

Defence: This skill allows you to block some attacks and strikes from enemies, and can allow you to wield armour such as shields and plate armour.

Constitution: This skill allows you to remain alive longer while in combat. At level 10 you have 100 life points (LP) and at level 99 you have 990 LP.

Mining: This skill allows you to mine ores and minerals, the better the skill, the more advanced ores you can mine, and also wield better pickaxes the better it is.

Smithing: This skill allows you to make weapons and armour from metal bars which you buy or make. The better the skill, the more advanced equipment you make.

Fishing: This skill allows you to fish for fish, which can be used to cook food to eat to restore LP.

Woodcutting: This skill allows you to chop wood from trees which can be used to make a fire which you can cook raw food on.

Crafting: This skill allows you to craft raw skins into armour. Such as you can craft cow hide into leather armour.

Dungeoneering: A skill that combines all the other skills together. You can gather a party of up to 5 and enter a dungeon full of puzzles that are based on the 25 skills in RuneScape, or 16 skills if you're a non-member.

Ranged: This skill allows you to attack from a range with the traditional bow and arrow. You have limited arrows and must supply more yourself if you run out.

Magic: This skill allows your to use spells from runes that you can craft from. There are combat spells, utility spells and defensive spells.

Fire Making: This skill allows you to make a fire from wood that you can chop from a tree or buy from shops.

Cooking: This skill allows you to cook food to restore LP while in combat.

Runecrafting: This skill allows you to craft runes that mages use to cast spells.

Prayer: This skill allows you to use prayers to improve combat performance and other purposes.

Summoning: This skill allows you to summon creatures that can aid you in combat, or utility needs.

Hunter: This skill allows you to hunt animals and wild creatures that you may find in the jungle.

Slayer: This skill allows you to kill creatures that require special equipment to fight.

Construction: This skill allows you to build a house and build structures.

Fletching: This skill allows you to craft bows and arrows which is required for the 'ranged' skill.

Thieving: This skill allows you to steal items from stalls and pickpocket rich non-player characters (NPCs).

Farming: This skill allows you to farm crops and food.

Agility: This skill allows you to endure longer while running.

Herblore: This skill allows you to make potions from a herb and a secondary ingredient.

Rules of RuneScape

With all games, there are rules which must be followed, otherwise it could lead to a ban or a mute.

- Respect all players, no racist comments or jokes should be seen in the game.

- No Scamming, means players should be able to trust each other completely

- No website advertising, such as 'example.com' or anything similar.

- No abusing glitches. If you have found a glitch, you should report it immediately.

- No real world trading. Which is more or less giving money in RuneScape for something in real life like real life money.

- No account sharing. Only you should have access to your account. Don't even tell your best friend!

-No asking for personal details about other players.

- No encouraging rule breaking. You must not force or encourage another person to break any of the RuneScape rules.

- Lasty, have fun! If you're not having fun, you're not obeying the RuneScape rules!

The Starting:

For a start, you will want to get some basic supplies to start your RuneScape korea. The items you should get will depend on the skill you want to train. Here a brief guide of the items you will want to get;

Attack/Strength/Defence/Constitution: Some weapons such as daggers or swords.

Mining: Pickaxes.

Smithing: Hammers and metal bars.

Fishing: Fishing rods and bait.

Cooking: Raw food, such as raw fish or raw meat.

Prayer: Bones.

RuneCrafting: Rune Essence.

Ranged: Bows and arrows.

Fire Making: Tree logs and tinderboxes.

Woodcutting: Axes.

Magic: Runes.

Crafting: Wool and flax.

Dungeoneering: Good skills.

Member skills:

Summoning: Charms, pouches and spirit shards.

Hunter: Traps.

Construction: Basic tools and building components such as wooden planks.

Thieving: Light Gear. (Don't wear anything that gives you too much weight).

Agility: Light Gear. (Don't wear anything that gives you too much weight).

Slayer: Special Equipment like salt bags, leaf bladed swords.

Herblore: Herbs and various secondary ingreidents.

Fletching: Knife and tree logs.

Farming: Seeds and compost should do.

Roles in RuneScape

There are many roles in RuneScape that people choose to focus on. Here is a list of some of the roles;

Skiller: Focuses on skills only, does not train combat at all.

Tank: Gets 99 defence and nothing else.

Range Tank: Gets 99 defence, range and nothing else.

Mage Tank: Gets 99 defence, magic and nothing else.

Berserker: Focuses on 99 strength and nothing else.

Balanced Warrior: Focuses on all combat skills equally.

Balanced Overall: Focuses on all skills.

Maxed: What everyone wants to be; maxed in every skill.

Capes of Accomplishment/Distinction

For putting so much effort into RuneScape, there are several capes in store for you. There are skill capes which are awarded to you when you get level 99 in a skill. The Quest Cape which is awarded when every single quest is completed. (You won't be able to wield the cape once a new quest has come out but can still possess it). The Max Cape, awarded to those who have got 99 in every single skill. (Don't have to be level 120 in Dungeoneering). The untrimmed completionist cape, awarded to those who have mastered every single skill. (Includes level 120 in Dungeoneering) and have done at least 1/2 or more of the possible task in RuneScape. The trimmed completionist cape, awarded to those who have every single cape i just mentioned and have pretty much done EVERYTHING you can do in the world of RuneScape. One of the requirements for the trimmed completionist cape is to play 5000 games of Castle Wars. Each game goes for 20 minutes which comes out to be about 1668 hours of playing Castle Wars.

My opinion on these capes

The skill capes are the easiest ones to get. I myself have almost every single one of those skill capes and have nearly got the max cape. The quest cape is also relatively easy as it is fun to do the several quests that is in store for you. The max cape is not easy, but you don't have to spend too much time to get it. The untrimmed completionist cape is a bit of a time consumer. You must really be dedicated into RuneScape (which im not) to get the untrimmed cape. The trimmed completionist cape is only for those who have nothing more to do than to play RuneScape. The 5000 Castle Wars game requirement is just too much for almost anyone to handle. If you like to hang out with friends and go outside, DO NOT get the trimmed completionist cape. Don't even get the untrimmed one if you go out really often.

Thursday 25 October 2012

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is an online game made by 'RiotGamesInc'. It is played on a computer and can be played on both laptop and desktop. LoL is a 3rd person view game with a free controlled camera to travel around the map at your command. LoL is game where you select a champion out of the several champions in the game and fight against other players or bots who play as other champions. There are 70+ champions you could select from, however you will need to unlock them in order to play them. However there are always some free-to-play champions that you could pick without unlocking. Then every Tuesday, RiotGames will switch the free-to-play champions to a different lot to let you try new champions. So if you had grew a liking for a champion that is free-to-play, then you had better save up enough influence points (A currency to unlock champion with) to buy that champion. IP can be gained by playing almost any game in League of Legends, as long as the numbers are even, you will get some IP whether you win or lose games, of course you will get more IP if you win games. 

A League of Legends team fight, (Those large model characters with names and large health bars are players playing as champions).

Champion Costings

There are several costings for different champions. The cheapest costing is 475 influence points (IP), followed by 1350ip, 3150 ip, 4800 ip, then the most expensive champions go up to 6300ip. Champions that cost 6300ip are normally recently released champions. There have been occasions where 6300ip champions have been reduced to 4800ip however.

Champion Costings (Riot Points) (RP)

A second type of LoL currency is called Riot Points. Riot Points can only be gained by paying a small amount of in real life (IRL) money by credit card, paypal etc. There are six different packages of Riot Points you can pay. The first one is about $5 for about 630RP, the second one is more expensive of course but it has a slight discount. The best deal is about $100 for about 15000RP. Riot Points can be used to buy champions just like IP or to buy exclusive skins for champions which can only be bought with RP. Skins make your champion more attractive and can customise some of your abilities and dialogue. However, skins do not give you any bonuses in combat. 

Classic Ezreal (One of the champions in LoL) 6300IP or 975RP

PulseFire Ezreal (A more attractive version of Ezreal) 3250RP

Garen 1350IP or 585RP

Dreadknight Garen 975RP

Classic Teemo 1350IP or 585RP

Astronaut Teemo 1820 RP

LoL Maps

The Most common map in LoL is 'Summoner's Rift'. Summoner's Rift is a map that supports up to five players per team and two teams at a time.

Some things to note in the map:
-The green circles are the locations of your allies.
-The red circles are the locations of your enemies.
-The yellow skulls are neutral creatures which you can kill for bonus gold or power ups.
- The purple heads with horns are purple team turrets. The blue heads with horns are blue team turrets.
-The small purple circle icons are purple team inhibitors and vice versa.
-The purple hexagon is the purple team nexus and vice versa.
-The white rectangle is your view in the game.
-The white line is the pathway your champion is taking to get to its location.

More things to note:
-A turret deals massive damage during early game. A turret attacks at about one time per second and can kill you in 3-5 hits during early game. However in late game, if you're playing as a tank such as Shen. You can take easily 25 turret hits before it starts to destroy you, considering you have good equipment and you use your abilities.
-If you destroy an inhibitor, your team will start spawning super minions. Super minions are regular minions on steroids and should not be underestimated as there have been many occasions where super minions have killed champions by themselves before.
-The nexus is the most important structure in the game. If your nexus is destroyed, you lose the game. If the enemy team's nexus gets destroyed, then they lose the game.
-There are three lanes in the game. 'Top lane', 'mid lane' and 'bot lane'. In other words for top, middle and bottom.
-In order to reach the nexus, you must destroy the 3 turrets and 1 inhibitor in a lane, and the two nexus turrets guarding the nexus. You must have a fully cleared lane in order to win the game.


ADC: Attack Damage Carry, this player should get all the kills as this is the player leading his/her team
into team fights. This player normally uses basic attacks.

APC: Ability Power Carry, this player is the exact same as an ADC, however uses abilities rather than basic attacks.

Tank: This player should take the most damage and tank all the hits the enemy can throw at them. This player should initiate the team fight.

Jungler: Doesn't go any lane, but instead fights in the jungle. The jungler kills the neutral monsters (indicated with the yellow skull) to gain levels and ganks (team up on one person or three at max, any more than that would be considered a team fight) for his teammates. The jungler ganks for all lanes.

Support: Doesn't kill any minions, but instead, help out the person they're laning with to conquer the lane.

Team distribution:

No Jungler or Support
-2 top
-1 mid
-2 bot

Jungler or Support

-1 top
-1 mid
-2 bot
-1 jungler


-2 top
-1 mid
-2 bot (one of them a support)

Jungler and Support

-1 top
-1 mid
-2 bot (one of them a support)
-1 jungler

What kinds of champions to get:

A good team would consist of a mix of champions such as:

-1 tank
-1 ADC or APC
-1 support
-1 jungler
-1 opposite of the Carry. If there's an ADC, this player should be an AP, if there's an APC, this player should be an AD.


It is always good to have a mixture of items, instead of one item focusing on one stat. There are six stats for each champions and they are;

-Attack Damage
-Ability Power
-Attack Speed
-Movement Speed
-Magic Resist

Attack Damage and Attack Speed would fit best with an ADC.
Ability Power would fit best with an APC.
Armour and Magic Resist would fit best with a tank.
Movement Speed should fit with everyone champion.

Here's a basic build for an AD, AP and tank.

AD (Also get the items in this order)

 Berserker Greaves

 Infinity Edge

Blood Thirster

Phantom Dancer
Blood Thirster

Phantom Dancer

Why is this good?

The Berserker Greaves give you average movement with a nice bonus of attack speed. They are a natural pair of boots for an ADC. The Infinity Edge gives 80+ Attack Damage which is a lot, with a scary 25% extra critical strike chance. The Infinity Edge's has a unique passive which makes your critical strikes deal 250% more damage, rather than 200%. Blood Thirsters gives off a good amount of attack damage, 60 attack damage and 12% extra lifesteal per Blood Thirster. The Blood Thirster has a unique passive which the item gains an extra 1 attack damage and 0.20% extra lifesteal per kill you make, whether its a minion or a champion. At full stacks, the Blood Thirster gives off 100 attack damage and 20% extra lifesteal. Half of your current stacks are lost on death however. Finally, the two phantom dancers give off 55% extra attack speed, 30% extra critical strike chance and 12% extra movement speed each. In total these items give you;

Total Stats

-Enhanced movement speed 2

-280+ attack damage (if both Blood Thirsters are at full stacks, if not then 200+ attack damage)
-40%+ life steal (if both Blood Thirsters are at full stacks, if not then 24%+ lifesteal)
-110%+ attack speed 
-24%+ movement speed
-85%+ critical strike chance
-250% extra damage when critically striking

AP (Also get the items in this order)

Sorcerer's Shoes

Rod of Ages

                                                                 Rabadon's DeathCap 
                                                                  Void Staff

                                                                 Abbysal Sceptre   

 Zhonya's Hourglass

Why is this good?

The Sorcerer's Shoes give average movement speed with 20+ magic penetration. Magic penetration is good for spells as it ignores some of your opponents magic resistance. These boots are natural for AP characters. Rod of Ages gives 450+ health, 525+ mana and 60+ abillity power. It has a passive which the rod gives an extra 18 health, 20 mana, and 2 ability power every minute for 10 minutes. Thus making the rod give a total of 630+ health, 725+ mana and 80+ ability power. The rod also has a unique passive which when you level up your character, the rod restores 250 health and 200 mana over the course of 8 seconds. The Rabadon's DeathCap is a devastating item specifically made for AP characters. The deathcap gives 140+ AP and has a unique passive that increases your current AP by 30% after the 140+ AP is added to your current AP. The void staff is an item that gives 70+ AP and has a unique passive of 40% magic penetration. Eg, your opponent has 100 magic resist, you ignore 40% of that which means you only have to deal with 60 magic resist with your spells. The Abbysal Sceptre gives 70+ AP with a nice 57+ magic resist, this makes you more resistant to other AP champions. The scepter has a unique aura that reduces the magic resist of nearby enemy champions by 20. The Zhonya's Hourglass gives one of the most AP any item can give you at 100+ AP and 50+ armour. The defences that the hourglass and the scepter give you makes you a little bit tanky. The hourglass has a unique active that puts your champion into a stasis, making your champion invincible and untargetable for 2 seconds, however your champion cannot take any actions for the duration.

Total Stats

-Enhanced Movement 2
-578+ AP (598+ AP if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)
-20+ magic penetration (40+ magic penetration to nearby champions) and 40%+ magic penetration
-57+ magic resist
-70+ armour
-525+ mana (725+ mana if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)
-450+ health (630+ health if Rod of Ages is at full stacks)

Tank (Also get the items in this order)

Ninja Tabi OR

Mercury Treads

Warmog's Armour

 Force of Nature


 Frozen Heart

Randuin's Omen

Why is this good?

Mercury Treads give 25+ magic resist and 35% tenacity. Tenacity reduces the duration of snares, fears, slows, stuns etc by 35%. Your other option for boots would be ninja tabi.